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The Zombie Survival Guide

One of the more interesting TV series I was able to watch over the Christmas holiday period was AMC’s The Walking Dead, a tale about a group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse. As I’ve reported already on this blog, the show was excellent, but it did get me thinking about the subject matter, and what we might have to do if such a thing were to happen in real life. I am pleased someone else, in this case Max Brooks, did exactly the same thing, as borne out of such a line of thinking comes The Zombie Survival Guide. This isn’t a new book, having been written and published a few years ago, but the content is still strikingly engaging. Given the sheer level of scientific methodology present, along with a very clear case of sensible precautions, it almost makes you think twice about how impossible an actual zombie apocalypse might really be.

The book is broken up into a number of sections, including a very thorough breakdown of what makes a zombie a zombie, as well as definitions for the various types of zombie outbreaks that might occur (these in particular seem based on the first few George Romeo zombie films). It’s here that the aforementioned scientific methodology becomes apparent, as Brooks puts forward such a compelling case (a simple situation of using the right words in the right way, even though it’s all made up) that you cannot help but think that, despite being a work of fiction, surely there must be some truth in what is written here? His introduction of the fictional virus solanum is a masterstroke, and really helps to give the book the level of verisimilitude it requires to get you through some of the drier sections later on.

The next section runs through the various options you have for fighting zombies, from what projectile weapons work best, through to what sort of combat techniques you should or shouldn’t employ when taking on a member of the living dead. Once again, it’s all so meticulously researched and presented that it reads more like a textbook than a piece of fiction. The way in which Brooks goes through the various pros and cons of each type of weapon, before reaching some very logical conclusions, is all absolutely fascinating material to read.

Once this material about what zombies are, and how best to fight them, the book moves into the real meat of what is on offer - the various options you would have if you were to find yourself living in an undead world. This is where the excitement in the book comes from, and as you read the material it all becomes more real than any Hollywood film or television show could ever be. The most interesting material here is when he discusses the pros and cons of the various installations you could find yourself living in during a zombie apocalypse, with an easily discounted viewpoint of such choices as hospitals and shopping centres, and a preference for army bases and prisons. Again, with such reasoned and logical arguments being put forward, it’s really hard to disagree with anything that Brooks puts forward.

The last section of the book attempts to recount all of the various zombie outbreaks that have supposedly been recorded in human history. Again, all flight of fancy stuff, and it’s nowhere near as interesting as you might think it would be, but it serves to round out what is generally a very well-written and detailed piece of writing. While it’s a solid piece of fiction, its form of presentation also makes it quite an effective general purpose survival booklet for any group of people finding themselves in a hostile environment. The scary thing is, the lists that Max Brooks puts together for what to carry around with you, and how best to survive, would not be out of place in somewhere such as Libya right now. The only difference is, you’d be dealing with the living, rather than the living dead.

If you’re a fan of zombie fiction, then this is well worth reading. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go purchase myself a machete and a rifle, and start packing for my nearest army base…

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