The Sunday Talk gets a new look!
Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 9:50PM
Matthew Kopelke in Site News

Howdy, all! I hope you’ve been enjoying the recent mid-year resurgence of The Sunday Talk, as I slowly get back on top of my blog postings. Been able to finally finish about 2 dozen articles from the last 2 months that I partially started, but sadly due to work commitments was never able to get around to finishing. While some of them are a little raw, I hope you’ve been enjoying my commentary on all things media and technology! Please feel free to sound out in the comments section on any article, whether you agree or disagree with anything I’ve said (or notice some sort of factual error, corrections of which are always appreciated!).

Something I enjoy doing with this blog is re-evaluating the look & feel, and indeed the content approach, every 6 months. While I have no immediate plans to change the content focus of the blog (it’ll basically match what I outlined back in January), I did feel it was time to make some visual changes to the blog, with the choice of a brand new theme to power all of the pages on the site. Gone is the clean white & cream look, and in is a much starker orange / black / white appearance. I think the new look is really quite nice, and I hope that you do too. As per my above statement, please feel free to sound out in the Comments section of this post with your thoughts if you feel that way inclined!

Anyway, here’s to another 6 months of what I hope is interesting and engaging content for The Sunday Talk - and Happy 1st Birthday to The Blog That Was Formally A Weekly Podcast!! Sip sip!

Article originally appeared on The Sunday Talk (
See website for complete article licensing information.